A Word From
The Sponsor of This Contest

Dateline: 1 July 2010
By: Herrick Kimball

It is my pleasure to sponsor The Deliberate Agrarian Haiku Poetry Contest for 2010. That title, “The Deliberate Agrarian,” comes from a blog of the same name which I’ve been writing for over five years. My blog is subtitled, “One Man’s Ruminations About Faith, Family & Livin' The The Good Life.” My Christian-agrarian worldview and lifestyle provides ample fodder for blogging. Here is a link to the blog: www.TheDeliberateAgrarian.com

In addition to blogging, I have a home-based business called Whizbang Books. That business name will soon transition into Planet Whizbang (with the new logo above). As the tagline explains, Planet Whizbang (or Whizbang Books) is a company that provides "down-to-earth books, tools, and inspiration" to people who are pursuing what I like to call “hands-on personal sustainability.”

For example, Planet Whizbang sells a book I wrote with directions for making a simple  “whizbang” chicken plucking machine. When it comes time to harvest and process a flock of your wholesome homegrown broiler chickens, a Whizbang plucker will pick all the feathers off those birds in a few seconds. You just flip the switch and watch the machine do all the work. No kidding! Planet Whizbang also makes and sells some of the parts needed to build the Whizbang plucker. You can learn all about the plucker and the parts at: www.WhizbangPlucker.com

Another popular product from Planet Whizbang is the Whizbang apple grinder and cider press. It is the most remarkably efficient, surprisingly simple, and downright affordable home cidermaking system ever devised. Making your own sweet cider is a great family activity and memory maker. Full details about the Whizbang cider planbook and Planet Whizbang press parts can be found at: www.WhizbangCider.com

Gardening is an essential part of the hands-on sustainable lifestyle and I have published numerous internet essays on the subject. They have been collected and archived at www.WhizbangGardening.com

With successful gardening in mind, I developed the Planet Whizbang wheel hoe design in 2009. The Planet Whizbang hoe is an incredibly useful tool that you can make yourself by following my FREE step-by-step online photo tutorial at www.WhizbangWheelHoe.com

For those who would like a little help with the project, I also sell inexpensive Planet Whizbang wheel hoe parts kits, as well as fully-assembled wheel hoes. Full details are at the aforementioned link.

By the way, the unusual Planet Whizbang logo at he top of this page was derived from a logo I came up with for the Planet Whizbang wheel hoe. You can read the story behind the logo HERE.

Planet Whizbang offers other unique, down-to-earth books and you can learn about them at  “Planet Whizbang Central,” which is, for now, still a web site known as “Whizbang Books.” Here is a link: www.WhizbangBooks.com

The modest success of my Planet Whizbang business is what enables me to sponsor this little agrarian haiku contest and to offer a variety of nifty, down-to-earth prizes. I like the idea  of sponsoring the creation of  simple poetry that celebrates agrarian culture. I also like the idea of a contest that whole families can have fun participating in. And, of course, I like spreading the word about Planet Whizbang. :-)  I hope you will tell others about this contest.

In addition to the above links, I invite you to check out the following partial selection of essays that I’ve published to the internet:

Simple materials + intelligent design = organic success in the garden

My great, great grandmother, Josephine Jordan, kept a line-a-day diary

My New York Times Op-Ed

This clear, concise, step-by-step online photo tutorial has had nearly a million page views

Speaking of agrarian poetry, and my opinion of what makes for good poetry....

A tribute to a very special person

I'm serious but my wife insists that this essay is stupid

And speaking of stupid, Delmar O'Donnell from the movie, Oh Brother Where Art Thou? gets me thinking

Well, I guess it's not a secret any more

Little girls are special

My 20-part (!)  story of teenage angst

I discovered something very unexpected in my deceased mother's diary

A series about Helen & Scott... and the horse chow recipe

Three things.......

I think this man had wisdom on par with Solomon

I discovered this in an old Grange song book

19 Feb 1945:  young Ralph West hit the beach at Iwo Jima

God is this great!

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